Saturday, 17 December 2011

a little anxious

blessings on such a blustery day, today i was 'cleaning 'up the mac ie;deleting a load of stuff stored on it, i came across some pic's i didn't know were on there, whilst i was reminiscing about old times and old memories i will my baby look?, will he/she have alot of hair(as my kids do) or what colour eye's ect....but what hit me most was i will soon have a tiny human completely dependant upon me, in my arms, looking for love, warmth (milk!) and protection, it did  does make me feel a little emotional...below is 2 pic's, 1 is  a bit grainy, but im sure you'll see, anyway when that was all done i made some nice warm pancakes, i had mine with lemon and sugar, all time fav! , kids had their's with good old nutella and banana's..mmmm delich....:)


  1. Omg... yas I remember this pic mashahallah! susu is such a handsome boy... tyme flys yaar and more blessing is upon you my dear yaar I pray that inshahallah everything goes well.
    P.s ... Im liking your pancake recipe. xxxx

  2. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh machaALLAH so cute!!!!!

  3. Anonymous12/22/2011

    ohhhhhh,so beautiful .heeeuuu,where is my pancake??
